Friday, December 4, 2009

Yuri disappears on the set of Star King

Now, before all the fans round up to call the SWAT team or put out a missing person report to find the disappearing SNSD / Girls' Generation member, I guess I should mention the small, little detail of Yuri's disappearance being part of an act. /hides from SONEs forever

During the broadcasting of SBS 'Star King,' Yuri, looking elegant in a one-piece, appeared with magician Choi Hyun Woo to perform a magic show for the viewers.

Lying on her back, the female idol slowly began to levitate from the ground. In a blink of an eye, Yuri also disappeared behind a cloth which Choi Hyun Woo holds before her. The audience frantically searched for her, thinking she had fallen behind the stage. Choi Hyun Woo gave a signal, wherein Yuri re-appeared 20 meters away from the stage.

Many were shocked by Yuri's acting as a magician's assistant, wondering how she was able to master the tricks in such a short amount of time. The hottie answered, "I practiced a lot for 3 days and nights." She left many curious, adding that, "Magic is supposed to be a secret."Had I known of Yuri's potential as a magician's assistant, I would have hired her as my own. You see, I've been trying to get my "magic stick" to "levitate" for quite some time now, but lately it's been nothing but a disappearing act. However, with a little help from Yuri, I'm sure this lonely guy can find itself again and would rise once again in no time.

This episode will air on the 5th, the same date as Yuri's birthday. Happy Birthday beautiful!

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